Des 2021
MDF English Corner (15/12/2021) – The Importance of Saying Kindly and The Story Retelling Award
Assalamualaikum Welcome to another edition of English Corner, my name is Rifki Kusmana. An inspirational article about saying kindly came out in Indonesian so I decided to translate it to English, there’s also the annoucement of the winner of the Story Retelling Award, I translated that as well. The Importance of Saying Kindly and Keeping Vocals Vocals determine safety. The...
Des 2021
MDF English Corner (08/12/2021) – Short Articles Translated #3
Assalamualaikum Welcome to another edition of English Corner, my name is Rifki Kusmana. A few short articles came out in Indonesian, so I decided to translate them into English for all to enjoy, for the third time. Knowledge is Light and Guidance Let us fear Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, and learn His Shari’a laws, by seeking useful knowledge. Because knowledge...
Nov 2021
MDF English Corner (19/11/2021) – Interview with Fadhli Arjuliqo, Gesto Erdian Eurllangg Adesta, and Raden Fadhlurrahman, Champions of the Islamic education Quiz competition
Assalamualaikum This is a translated version of an interview I did with Fadhli Arjuliqo, Gesto Erdian Eurllangg Adesta, and Raden Fadhlurrahman, Champions of the Islamic education Quiz competition from MDF. You may inspect the Indonesian version here. I have translated it in its entirety and I hope you enjoy the interview. Thank you. Rifki Kusmana: Assalamualaikum, My name is Rifki...
Nov 2021
Nov 2021
MDF English Corner (02/11/2021) – A few more short inspirational articles
Assalamualaikum Welcome to another edition of English Corner, my name is Rifki Kusmana. A more few inspirational articles came out in Indonesian, so I decided to translate them into English again for all to enjoy. Hijrah? When you hear the word hijrah, what comes to mind? The following is the definition of hijrah according to the Dictionary: (n) the transfer...
Okt 2021
MDF English Corner (17/10/2021) – A few short inspirational articles
Assalamualaikum Welcome to another edition of English Corner, my name is Rifki Kusmana. A few inspirational articles came out in Indonesian, so I decided to translate them into English for all to enjoy. Here’s some of them. For you, Teacher Among the messages of piety are remembering and not forgetting the kindness of others. Especially the kindness of parents and...
Okt 2021
MDF English Corner (03/10/2021) – Interview with MDF Alumni Dian Rahman Ali, An al-Qur’an Educator from Papua
Assalamualaikum This is a translated version of an interview I did with MDF Alumni Dian Agustina, An al-Qur’an Educator from Papua. You may inspect the Indonesian version here. I have translated it in its entirety and I hope you enjoy the interview. Thank you. Rifki Kusmana: Assalamualaikum, My name is Rifki Kusmana, Grandson of Mr. Dede and Mrs. Lies Kusmana,...
Sep 2021
MDF English Corner (30/09/2021) –Interview with MDF Alumni – Moh. Ihsan Sibgotuloh, S.T
Assalamualaikum This is a translated version of an interview I did with MDF Alumni Moh. Ihsan Sibgotuloh, S.T. A Civil Engineering Graduate from Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa. You may inspect the Indonesian version here. I have translated it in its entirety and I hope you enjoy the interview. Thank you. Rifki Kusmana: Assalamualaikum, My name is Rifki Kusmana, Grandson of Mr....
Sep 2021
MDF English Corner (14/09/2021) – Assalamualaikum!
Assalamualaikum Welcome to the first MDF English Corner, My name is Rifki Kusmana. This series of articles will chronicle the latest news from MDF in English, This is done to broaden the reach of the MDF Islamic boarding school and to encourage English literacy in MDF’s curriculum. Before I start, I’ll make an overview of what MDF is. MD Fathahillah...