Welcome to another edition of English Corner, my name is Rifki Kusmana. Here is a short roundup of two events that happened in Pesantren MD Fathahillah recently.
An Indonesian version of this article is available here.
Graduation of Tahfizh And Graduation Tasyakur
On Saturday, June 25, 2022. The MD Fathahillah Islamic Boarding School held a graduation ceremony for santri graduates of the year 2022. Graduation participants numbered 83 people, most of them from SMPIT MD Fathahillah (46 people), proceeded by SMK MD Fathahillah (18 people), Tahfizh Children (14 people), and finally, Takhosus Tahfizh (5 people).
Alhamdulillah, most of the students have memorized the Al-Qur’an. Takhosus Tahfizh has a high level of memorization, which all 30 Juz are memorized. The most achieving SMK student can memorize 30 Juz too, SMPIT 22 Juz, and Tahfizh Anak 7 Juz.
MD Fathahillah graduates are ensured to have memorized the Qur’an, at least to the target given by the Islamic Boarding School or School and in the future, whatever profession the alumni has, they have the basis of the Al-Qur’an.
There is for example, Almuni Muhammad Ihsan, he can memorize 30 Juz and he became an Engineer, it can be said that he is an engineer who memorizes the Qur’an. In addition to Tahfizh Al-Qur’an at PTQ MD Fathahillah, the students’ interests, talents and skills are also developed.
Invited guests who attended were the Parents of Graduates, Village Government, District Government of Ciamis, the Indonesian National Police, and the Ministry of Religion.
Qur’an Camp
Starting from Monday, July 4, 2022 and will end on the 8th. The MD Fathahillah Islamic Boarding School is holding a Qur’an Camp Event, which aims to make participants love and enthusiastic about memorizing the Qur’an. Also in it is filled with various activities about the Qur’an (Learning to read the Qur’an, Memorizing the Qur’an is fun, Watching movies with stories from the Qur’an, Games and Al-Qur’an quizzes, and others. ).
Every day this activity begins at 7.30 with the Duha prayer. There were 37 participants (20 boys, 17 girls) from the area around Ciamis and some from outside (Jakarta, Bandung) who happened to be visiting the village or on school holidays.
Meanwhile, because the activity is still running until Friday, Alhamdulillah we can already see the children participating being happy and enthusiastic.
And that’s it for today’s English Corner, I hope you have enjoyed this article and I hope to see you again, someday, Thank you for reading.
Editor: Rifki Kusmana
Editor of the MDF English Corner