This is a translated version of an interview I did with MDF Alumni Moh. Ihsan Sibgotuloh, S.T. A Civil Engineering Graduate from Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa. You may inspect the Indonesian version here.
I have translated it in its entirety and I hope you enjoy the interview. Thank you.
Rifki Kusmana:
Assalamualaikum, My name is Rifki Kusmana, Grandson of Mr. and Ms. Dede and Lies Kusmana, I want to interview you
Moh. Ihsan Sibgotuloh:
Wa’alaikumsalamm Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Masyallah, nice to meet you. It’s been a long time now. When I used to be a student in MDF, I was a mere little boy.
Please if you want to discuss. What is the theme of the interview?
Rifki Kusmana:
The theme is about your achievements at MDF and your current achievements, you can also add about things like daily activities at MDF. Maybe you can add your plans in the future.
Moh. Ihsan Sibgotuloh:
Wow, that’s kind of fun. Sharing my stories while in MDF. 😊
But for achievements, it’s actually nothing. Maybe we can chat more casually.
Rifki Kusmana:
Alright, let’s get started. So, what were the things you did when you were in MDF?
Moh. Ihsan Sibgotuloh:
MDF for me, even now is a second home.
4 years at MDF, you get a lot. Memorize the Qur’an, learn Arabic, hadiths, fiqih. Not only lessons, of course you can also experience the life there, etiquette, independent processes, learn discipline, learn to live healthy and clean and many others.
Rifki Kusmana:
In your four years in MDF, what did you like the most?
Moh. Ihsan Sibgotuloh:
I like MDF because:
First, the environment is nice, cool, conducive to learn and memorize the Qur’an.
Second, the teachers (ustdz/ustdzah), all the employees are very friendly, it feels very family-friendly. Maybe because at that time I was a first generation. So there are not as many students as now.
Third, I love to hear motivation, advice and encouragement from your grandfather, Rifki. Until now, the one who inspired me to move forward, to continue my education as high as I could, was your grandfather. Usually, we students call him Mr. Doctor.
Honestly, I am the eldest of five children. My Father is a farmer, my mother is a housewife. In terms of economics and education, my family can be said to be lower middle class.
From there, I had the desire to change the condition of the family. I think it should start with education. For school, my parents can only go to elementary school. I try to find a scholarship so my parents don’t have to pay tuition.
Alhamdulillah, the blessing of memorizing the Qur’an. I graduated from college as an undergraduate, and now I can work.
Rifki Kusmana:
Alhamdulilah, God’s blessing can give work for you, I have 2 questions, What are you doing now and what are your motivations and hopes for the future?
Moh. Ihsan Sibgotuloh:
My current position is still a civil engineering graduate (general).
My job is as a planning consultant and supervisor.
To become an engineer, you have to go back to professional school. It’s like having a medical degree (S. Ked) to get a degree (dr).
In the future, my dream is to continue my education, to have my own company.
I want to be an engineer as well as a mutqin hafidz of the Qur’an. Have a sanad until the rasulullah.
Rifki Kusmana:
What are your suggestions to make MDF more attractive, because now, there are many competitors?
Moh. Ihsan Sibgotuloh:
First, the management of social media (FB, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube) must be more aggressive and millennial. There must be a special team to manage social media as a forum for promotion in the millennial/current language. For example, the management of social media by zakat NGOs (dt peduli, dompet dhuafa, act, rumah zakat, etc) only, the content is about the pesantren instead. Because very few people want to open websites, but many people open social media for hours.
Second, there should be additional skills for students as a plus that can only be obtained at MDF. Examples (Qur’an Memorisation + Good at coding), (Qur’an Memorisation + Good at graphic design), (Qur’an Memorisation + Good at Athletics, etc).
Third, future prospects for mastering technology. Opening a formal school whose major is technology-based, or a special class of science and technology, a kind of specialization according to what the students choose.
Finally, MDF should hold competitions. Inviting elementary schools (to recruit new junior high school students) inviting junior high schools (to recruit high school students). The competition is held in the pesantren as a promotional event and attract students.
Rifki Kusmana:
Is there anything extra that you would like to give or not? For readers and people at MDF.
Moh. Ihsan Sibgotuloh:
The point that I want to convey is that I am grateful to be able to study at MDF, to get to know the doctor, the doctor’s wife, brother, and the others.
In general, the santri after graduating from the pesantren become an ustadz.
I feel that at MDF, students are prepared to spread out, fill various professions and every line of life. With the same supplies. Namely the Qur’an on the chests of its alumni.
Good luck brother, grandpa, grandma, and all of the big family. The asatidz, students of MDF are always in the protection and blessing of Allah SWT. And we can return to being a big family in His heaven someday. Amen 😊😇
And that’s it for today’s English Corner, I hope you have enjoyed this interview, It was quite interesting to work on, I had fun talking to Ihsan and I learned something new today, I hope to see you again, someday, Thank you for reading.
Editor: Rifki Kusmana
1 komentar
Lies Kusmana, Kamis, 30 Sep 2021
Hebat dengan adanya English Corner menambah cakupan informasi ke manca negara.Sekaligus pembelajaran bhs mondial.Sudah lebih dari 50 hufazh, yang akan datang alumni berkiprah di Papua.kita tunggu Selamat menikmati