This is a translated version of an interview I did with MDF Alumni Dian Agustina, An al-Qur’an Educator from Papua. You may inspect the Indonesian version here.
I have translated it in its entirety and I hope you enjoy the interview. Thank you.
Rifki Kusmana:
Assalamualaikum, My name is Rifki Kusmana, Grandson of Mr. Dede and Mrs. Lies Kusmana, I want to interview Ustadz about guiding Papuan children to learn the Koran.
Dian Rahman Ali:
Waalaikumussalam warahmatullah, Masha Allah how are you? How are your grandparents?
Rifki Kusmana:
My grandparents are healthy.
Dian Rahman Ali:
Please, go ahead if you want an interview.
Rifki Kusmana:
Okay, So how did Ustadz found out about MDF?
Dian Rahman Ali:
The one who introduced me to MDF was my uncle, he is a relative of Ustadz Aep. Thank God I was able to study at MDF for 3 years plus 1 year of dedication.
Rifki Kusmana:
Why did ustadz want to guide children to learn the Koran?
Dian Rahman Ali:
The reason I want to teach children the Koran is because:
- Teaching is a charity, so from this teaching hopefully it will be my provision in the hereafter.
- Teaching children the Koran, especially in Papua, is an interesting thing, because with different cultures, the challenges of teaching them needs more effort.
- Education in Papua is not like education in other areas so this is what fosters my enthusiasm to continue to endeavour in Papuan education.

Rifki Kusmana:
Alhamdulillah, Are their readings Smooth? How long does it take Ustadz’s attention for them to read smoothly?
Dian Rahman Ali:
For the duration of their current achievements, they vary according to their abilities, and I also group them according to their abilities or achievements. On average, with a portion of learning the Koran 2 hours a day in one work week (5 days) they can read the Koran fluently in 1 to 2 years.
Rifki Kusmana:
What is the percentage of Papuans who are Muslim?
Dian Rahman Ali:
The Muslim community in Papua, especially in the city of Sorong, is approximately 45%
Rifki Kusmana:
Can you explain how many children in Papua want to go to Madrasah compared to those who don’t. Does the parent factor have an effect?
Dian Rahman Ali:
The support from the government and other organizations for the education of children in Papua is very good, so they get facilities from the government and other organizations, madrasa schools are not only my school, there are many other madrasas, but indeed many children still choose state schools.
The parent factor is very influential on the education of children in Papua, the parents here have not paid much attention to the education of their children so that the children here are also not maximal in their learning and are often not present to study and even have to be picked up from their homes.

Rifki Kusmana:
Are there any talented Papuan children who can be advised to continue into MDF?
Dian Rahman Ali:
Actually, Papuan children have a very good ability to learn, but that ability is obscured by their lack of enthusiasm. So if you want something to be included in MDF, the teacher must be very patient and patient with them.
If MDF is ready to accept students from Papua, God willing, I will try to find other madrasas for talented children. But their economic status must be considered, they may object to the cost of going from Papua to MDF.
Rifki Kusmana:
Papuan children’s sporting talents need to be developed so that they can go worldwide because of their stout bodies. What else besides football?
Dian Rahman Ali:
Especially in the city of Sorong, West Papua, sports that are more prominent than soccer are self-defense and running.
Rifki Kusmana:
After this, what else does Ustadz want to do? Continue teaching?
Dian Rahman Ali:
I still want to continue to practice sharing the knowledge I have anywhere. For other activities, I am currently studying for the 7th semester majoring in PGSD, while studying business, I am now opening an expedition/delivery of goods from Jakarta to Papua.
Rifki Kusmana:
Any additions that Ustadz would like to include for the readers?
Dian Rahman Ali:
I want to invite all young people to continue to be enthusiastic about learning and practicing the knowledge gained and always having a noble character, so God willing, Allah SWT will raise our status as the Indonesian nation and the Islamic Ummah.
And that’s it for today’s English Corner, I hope you have enjoyed this interview, It was quite interesting to work on, I had fun talking to Dian and I learned something new today, I hope to see you again, someday, Thank you for reading.
Editor: Rifki Kusmana