  • 1 tahun yang lalu / Raih keberkahan dan pahala berlipat dengan menjadi Orang Tua Asuh Santri Penghafal Al Quran Pesantren Tahfizh Quran MD Fathahillah, Salurkan Infaq Sedekah Anda melaui Rekening Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) No. 7106666606 a/n Yayasan Muhammad Danu Fathahillah, Baarakallah…
Sep 2022

MDF English Corner (16/09/2022) – Al-Khwarizmi, The Brilliant Persian Mathematician

Assalamualaikum Welcome to another edition of English Corner, my name is Rifki Kusmana. This is an article about Al-Khwarizmi, the brilliant Persian Mathematician. An Indonesian version of this article is available here. Al-Khwarizmi, The Brilliant Persian Mathematician Biography and History Muhammed ibn-Musa al-Khwarizmi (born c. 780 —died c. 850), was a Persian Muslim mathematician and astronomer whose major works introduced Hindu-Arabic...
Agu 2022

MDF English Corner (17/08/2022) – Zheng He and Sam Poo Kong

Assalamualaikum Welcome to another edition of English Corner, my name is Rifki Kusmana. Here is an article about Zheng He and his fantastic journey. An Indonesian version of this article is available here. Zheng He, The Chinese Muslim Zheng He (Chinese: 鄭和), formerly rendered as Cheng Ho in Latin, was a Chinese mariner, explorer, diplomat, fleet admiral, and court eunuch during...
Jul 2022

MDF English Corner (8/07/2022) – Two Recent MDF Events: Graduation of Tahfizh And Graduation Tasyakur, Qur’an Camp

Assalamualaikum Welcome to another edition of English Corner, my name is Rifki Kusmana. Here is a short roundup of two events that happened in Pesantren MD Fathahillah recently. An Indonesian version of this article is available here. Graduation of Tahfizh And Graduation Tasyakur On Saturday, June 25, 2022. The MD Fathahillah Islamic Boarding School held a graduation ceremony for santri graduates...
Jun 2022

MDF English Corner (12/06/2022) – Summary of The Science of the Islamic Golden Age

Welcome to another edition of English Corner, my name is Rifki Kusmana. Did you know that Islam had a golden age of science during the medieval era in Mainland Europe? Here's a summary of the scientific advancements that happened in that era.
Mei 2022

MDF English Corner (7/05/2022) – Eid al-Fitr celebrations around the world

Assalamualaikum Welcome to another edition of English Corner, my name is Rifki Kusmana. With Eid al-Fitr passing us, I started making this article about Eid celebrations around the world, now that it’s done, please enjoy. An Indonesian translation is available here. Eid al-Fitr celebrations around the world Eid al-Fitr has passed us, but today, I will be writing about how...
Apr 2022

MDF English Corner (17/04/2022) – First Winner of MDF Ramadan Writing Competition: Qolbu in the Qur’an and Medical Science

This is the website version of the essay summary “Qolbu in the Qur’an and Medical Sciences” written by Prof. Dede Kusmana. Summary Writing by Nisa Sri Nur Azizah (Takhosus). I (Rifki Kusmana) rewrote this essay for website with some changes, An Indonesian website version is also available. Qolbu in the Qur’an and Medical Science: Towards Qolbu Salim By Prof....
Mar 2022

MDF English Corner (22/03/2022) – Interview with Fikri Rofiul. MDF alumni who is studying at a Gazan University

Assalamualaikum This is a translated version of an interview I did with Fikri Rofiul, A MDF alumni who is studying at a Gazan University. You may inspect the Indonesian version here. I have translated it in its entirety and I hope you enjoy the interview. Thank you. Rifki Kusmana: Assalamualaikum Brother Fikri, my name is Rifki Kusmana, the grandson of...
Jan 2022

MDF English Corner (22/01/2022) – 2 Advisory Articles the Qur’an

Assalamualaikum Welcome to another edition of English Corner, my name is Rifki Kusmana. This time I’ve translated 2 articles in Indonesian to English. Unfortunately, none of the articles had any attribution (again), so I’ll leave that out for his article. Actuality of Sunnatullah (Together With Difficulties There Are Easy) We must increase the degree of our faith and piety to...
Jan 2022

MDF English Corner (09/01/2022) – 3 Advisory Articles on Islam and The Qur’an

Assalamualaikum Welcome to another edition of English Corner, my name is Rifki Kusmana. This time I’ll combine 2 articles in Indonesian and translate them to English, there’s also an unpublished article about Health in the Qur’an which hasn’t been updated in a while, so I’ll publish that since it seems complete. Unfortunately, none of the articles had any attribution, so...

  Kep. Menhukam RI No :
       C-2480.HT.01.02.TH. 2007.

  NPWP: 02.649.323.9-005.000

  Akta Notaris :
       No. 11 tanggal 28 Maret 2017
       dan No. 12 tanggal 19 Juli 2017
       Raden Kurmartono, SH.

  Rekening Donasi:

       No. Rek. 7106666606
       a/n Yayasan Muhammad Danu Fathahillah
       Bank Syariah Indonesia (451)

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